Women in Mobility — A snapshot of an interview with Marianne Costigan, BD at Pivot Power ⚡

Jenny Gladman
2 min readNov 4, 2020

Marianna Costigan has been working in Business Development at Pivot Power. Pivot is developing the world’s largest transmission-connected battery storage and electric vehicle charging network. In just under two years Pivot Power went from launch to acquisition with a bold vision to accelerate a clean, electric future. Now as part of EDF Renewables it is turning this vision into reality, and Marianne is very much a part of making this happen!

Watch the full interview of Marianne sharing her journey here! 👀

Why do we need more female voices in the sector?

All industries need diversity of representation, not just in terms of men and women, but across the board — we must be able to understand our customers!

“We have that ability to bring different people & mindsets together”

Why is the sector so great to work in?

💚With cleantech there is a shared passion and purpose
💚It’s an important time to get it right; climate change is upon us & that motivates us all
💚The amazing people of Pivot

Marianne’s advice to the next generation…

Go for it.. jump in & became part of the solution! There’s lots of different ways to get into mobility, it’s not all about working for Tesla. 😉

Be confident; just because it’s new to you, doesn’t mean that you can’t become an expert quickly! It’s a new and ever changing industry, and we need more brilliant people!

Thanks for sharing your brilliant experience with us Marianne. ⚡

Watch the full interview on our YouTube Channel!



Jenny Gladman

Avid Traveller. Sustainability Advocate. London based Recruiter. Sustainability and Cleantech Writer. Cyclist. Muay Thai Enthusiast.